© Vanessa Schüppel, Greifensteinregion

Waldgeisterweg (Forest Spirits Trail), Ehrenfriedersdorf

Enige feiten

  • Start: parking spot "Burgplatz", Adolf-Damaschke-Straße , 09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
  • Bestemming: parking spot "Burgplatz", Adolf-Damaschke-Straße , 09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
  • 3,35 km
  • 1 Uur 20 Minuten
  • 101 m
  • 647 m
  • 554 m

On a walk along the Waldgeisterweg trail, discoverers of all ages will encounter the frog prince, the owl, the dwarf and many carved figures and mythical creatures.

The trail is situated in the Greifensteinwald forest along the Albin-Langer-Weg (Albin Langer Trail), heading towards the Greifensteine. But it’s nothing to be scared of, because the route is dotted with friendly wooden companions carved from tree trunks. Every year, the forest spirits proliferate with new “offspring”. The new forest spirits are “baptised” and given humorous names.

Straying from the circular trail, why not take a detour to the “Stülpnerhöhle” (Stülpner’s cave) before continuing towards the Greifensteine. Standing at the top of the seven bizarre granite rocks, a picturesque panoramic view opens out before you, stretching as far the Erzgebirgskamm ridge.



  • Asfalt (35%)
  • Grind (57%)
  • Wandelroute (8%)

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