© © David-Brandt.de, Photographer: David Brandt

Türckische Cammer (Turkish Chamber)

Enige feiten

Experience the fascination in the Dresden Royal Palace. Main attractions aside from weapons, helmets garments are the magnificent parts from Ottoman state tents

The most recent collection is the „Türkische Cammer" - the electoral-Saxon collection of Oriental art in the Dresden Residenzschloss (royal palace). Like no other museum, the historical Grüne Gewölbe (Green Vaults) in the former Saxon royal palace shows Saxony's wealth and the sense of art of the House of Wettin. The
treasure vault of August the Strong displays 3.000 works of art in baroque presentation.  


Türckische Cammer (Turkish Chamber)
Taschenberg 2
01067 Dresden

Tel.: +49 (0) 351 49142000
Fax: +49 (0) 351 49142001
Website: www.skd.museum

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