© Ben Walther

Festung Xperience at the former Dresden Fortifications

Enige feiten

Duke Moritz takes his visitors into the dark vaults and on an adventurous journey through 450 years of Dresden's eventful history.

Breathtaking 360-degree projections and atmospheric audio technology unleash the secrets of Dresden Fortifications.

The 1,500 m2 of completely new multimedia presentation "Festung Xperience. Celebrations. Dramas. Catastrophes. As close as never before", snatches visitors out of their everyday lives and hurls them into the past.


Festung Xperience at the former Dresden Fortifications
Brühlsche Terrasse / Terrassenufer
01067 Dresden

Tel.: +49 (0) 351 438370357
Website: www.festung-xperience.de

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