Dresdens Kabarett-Theater „DIE HERKULESKEULE“ GmbH

Enige feiten

Every day politically up-to-date company cabaret in the heart of the city, without summer break and air-conditioned.

The „Herkuleskeule“ is one of the best cabarets in Germany – as well as its loyally lyricist Wolfgang Schaller. The citizen as well as the visitors of Dresden appreciate the good fortune having an ensemble which represent best political satire. 


Dresdens Kabarett-Theater „DIE HERKULESKEULE“ GmbH
Schloßstraße 2 (im Kulturpalast)
01067 Dresden

Tel.: +49 (0) 351 4925555
Fax: +49 (0) 351 4925554
Website: www.herkuleskeule.de

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