© Ernesto Uhlmann

In 95 dagen

Theatre festival "NONSTOP Europe!"

Enige feiten

  • Chemnitz
  • 01. – 03.05.2025Overzicht datums
  • De hele dag
  • Schouwburg/Theater, Festical,…

International theatre festival and theatre school meetup

The NONSTOP EUROPA! international theatre festival celebrates Europe’s open borders. With a diverse pro- ­gramme of classical and performa­tive projects, the festival provides space for international interaction and artistic conversation. A diverse supporting programme and an international gathering of theater students complements the festival. Students meet to exchange ideas and present their projects and scene studies in a kind of laboratory. Audiences can look forward to experiencing unfamiliar perspectives and inspiring pro­ductions from all across Europe.

Alle datums


Theatre festival "NONSTOP Europe!"
Altchemnitzer Straße 27
09120 Chemnitz

Tel.: 0371 6969696
Website: www.theater-chemnitz.de/schauspiel/nonstop-europa

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